Archive for the ‘Clueless’ Category

Tricky Movie Trivia Quiz: Teenage Chick Flicks, Part 1

January 12, 2008

Can you guess the answers to this movie trivia quiz about teenage chick flicks?

Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 in future posts. There are many more movie trivia questions about chick flicks to come!

1. In Mean Girls, which of the actresses who played a “plastic” was initially supposed to play Cady, the part played by Lindsay Lohan?

2. On which book was the movie Mean Girls based?

3. Which of the “plastics” actresses is actually 10 years older than Lindsay Lohan?

4. Drop Dead Gorgeous screenwriter Lona Williams was once a contestant in local beauty pageants and appears in the film. Which part does she play?

5. Which actress who was in a hit 2007 movie had her screen debut in Drop Dead Gorgeous?

6. In Saved, Pastor Skip enters the library to talk to Hilary Faye and the Christian Jewels about Mary. There’s a poster featuring which band visible over his shoulder? (Hint: The band’s lead singer was a co-producer on the movie.)

7. Mandy Moore was given the part of Hilary Faye in Saved, but which actress was originally supposed to play her?

8. What are the letters on the license plate of Hilary Faye’s car?

9. In Clueless, Alicia Silverstone (who played Cher) didn’t know how to pronounce a word in one of the classroom scenes. Director Amy Heckerling told everyone not to correct her so she could include the entertaining mispronunciation in the film. Which word was it?

10. On which classic story is Clueless loosely based?

Scroll down to see the answers.

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1. Amanda Seyfried, who plays Karen in the film, was initially supposed to play Cady, but producer Lorne Michaels thought she would be better as the dumb girl and that Lindsay Lohan would make a better “good girl.”

2. Mean Girls was based on Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and Other Realities of Adolescence by Rosalind Wiseman, even though it is a non-fiction self-help guide for parents that has no narrative. Tine Fey of Saturday Night Live wrote the script.

3. Although Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams play characters who are presumably in the same grade, there’s a 10-year age difference between the two actresses.

4. Lona Williams plays Jean, the pageant’s non-speaking judge, in Drop Dead Gorgeous.

5. Amy Adams, who starred in Enchanted, had her film debut in Drop Dead Gorgeous.

6. The poster visible over Pastor Skip’s shoulder is for R.E.M. Lead singer Michael Stipe co-produced the film.

7. The role of Hilary Faye was originally given to Anne Hathaway, but funding fell through and then Hathaway had to start shooting Ella Enchanted.

8. Hilary Faye’s license plate is “JC GIRL.”

9. Alicia Silverstone mispronounced “Haitians” as “Hate-eeuns.”

10. Clueless is loosely based on Jane Austen’s book Emma.

How did you do on this movie trivia quiz about teenage chick flicks? If you didn’t get the answers to most of the questions, don’t worry; you’re not alone. Some of them were hard!

If you enjoyed this quiz, why not subscribe via RSS or e-mail to get free updates? (See the sidebar for easy subscription options.) We’ll be doing two more teenage chick flicks quizzes, plus plenty of trivia questions on other movie topics!