Archive for the ‘movie trivia quiz’ Category

2007 Movie Quotes Trivia Quiz

February 19, 2008

With the Academy Awards right around the corner, it’s time to test your knowledge of 2007 movies with this movie quotes quiz.

Try to guess which films the movie quotes below came from.

Easy, you say? We’ll see!

1. “I’m handsome even when I sleep?”

2. “It all started with a chair.”

3. “Never trust a sailor on dry land.”

4. “I am Shiva, the god of death.”

5. “Aw, hells bells. They even shot the dog!”

6. “If I cannot fly, let me sing…”

7. “Wouldn’t it be funny if the devil looked just like you?”

8. “This much I know, when the storm breaks, some are dumb with terror and some spread their wings like eagles and soar. “

9. “Can we just take a moment to reflect on all of the ways that you are a douche bag?”

10. “Judges, lawyers, cops, politicians. They stop bringing dope into this country, about a hundred thousand people are gonna be out of a job.”

Scroll down to see the answers.

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1. “I’m handsome even when I sleep?” was asked by Prince Edward (James Marsden) in Enchanted.

2. “It all started with a chair” was said by Juno MacGuff (Ellen Philpotts-Page) in Juno.

3. “Never trust a sailor on dry land” was said by Tommy Nettle (Daniel Mays) in Atonement.

4. “I am Shiva, the god of death” was said by Arthur Edens (Tom Wilkinson) in Michael Clayton.

5. “Aw, hells bells. They even shot the dog!” was said by Wendell (Garret Dillahunt) in No Country for Old Men.

6. “If I cannot fly, let me sing…” was said by Johanna (Jayne Wisener) in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

7. “Wouldn’t it be funny if the devil looked just like you?” was asked by Private Robert Ortiez (Victor Wolf) in In the Valley of Elah.

8. This much I know, when the storm breaks, some are dumb with terror and some spread their wings like eagles and soar” was said by Dr. John Dee (David Threlfall) in Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

9. “Can we just take a moment to reflect on all of the ways that you are a douche bag?” was asked by Gust Avrakotos (Philip Seymour Hoffman) in Charlie Wilson’s War.

10. “Judges, lawyers, cops, politicians. They stop bringing dope into this country, about a hundred thousand people are gonna be out of a job” was said by Detective Richie Roberts (Russell Crowe) in American Gangster.

I hope you enjoyed this movie quotes quiz! Check out our other posts related to 2007 movies:

Movie trivia quizzes
2007 movies

Superbad and other Seth Rogen movies

Movie trivia
Superbad continuity errors

Movie review
Superbad: It’s the F-bomb

Superbad Trivia: Continuity Errors

January 31, 2008

Continuity errors happen in every film, because it’s difficult to make sure every little detail is perfect. Superbad is no exception; it had a lot of them. Here are just some of those Superbad trivia gems:

  • McLovin’s wound, which resulted from being punched in the liquor store, is seen at first on the side of his face under the stem of his glasses. Later, it appears on the front of his cheek.
  • A red chair at the end of the table disappears and reappears while Seth and Evan eat lunch.
  • You can see it’s getting dark when Evan and Seth are in the store, because car lights and streetlights come on. But when they come out of the store, the sun is out.
  • After Seth gets hit by the guy’s car in the store parking lot, the “open” sign seen behind the car owner changes from off to on from one shot to the next.
  • Fogell’s fake I.D. signature is spelled “McLovin” when he shows it to Seth and Evan, but when it’s seen again in the store, it’s spelled “McLoving.”
  • Seth has blood on his jeans at the party, but it’s gone when he sees the officers after the party. It then reappears when he gets to the next party.
  • The dent on the detergent bottle that Evan holds in his left hand disappears and reappears while he and Seth argue.
  • The cops run the red light on James Street twice on their way to the bar.
  • The policemen and dispatcher on the intercom say that the cop car number is 98, but the number on the car is actually 96.

I hope you enjoyed this Superbad trivia!

If you haven’t done so already, take our Superbad and other Seth Rogen films movie trivia quiz and read our Superbad movie review.

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Movie Review: Superbad — It’s the F-Bomb

January 20, 2008

If you’re a fan of the “f” word, you’re going to love Superbad.

No self-respecting Superbad movie review would be complete without mentioning that the “f” word was used 186 times — and the unrated version of the movie was only 118 minutes long (114 for the rated version). That’s an average of approximately 1.6 uses of the word per minute.

But even if you don’t like to hear the “f” word sprayed around like water out of an open fire hydrant, there’s plenty to like about this movie. And you don’t even have to be in high school. Actually, writers Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg were younger than that when they wrote the movie; they were only 13. That’s probably what made the movie so appealing to me. (Although, I like all Seth Rogen movies.) I sure wouldn’t want to be that young again, but it’s fun to be taken there again for two hours or so.

If I had to reduce the movie to an elevator pitch (a description that can be heard in the time it takes to go on an elevator ride), here’s how it would play out: “Three alcohol-obsessed boys go on a local road trip to find said alcohol and get girls. Hilarity ensues.”

But if I were to describe it for grown-ups who might want to watch the movie, I would add some details you probably wouldn’t expect if you only heard the elevator pitch: There’s a beating heart at the center of Superbad. Main characters Seth, Evan and Fogell (aka McLovin), two of which are named after writers Rogen and Goldberg, alternate between being obnoxious teenagers and semi-enlightened beings. This vacillation elevates the movie above being just an f-bomb-filled, trashy-talkfest. The characters’ going back and forth between doing the right thing and very wrong things makes it a lot like life. Hey, there are a lot of supposed adults out in the world who don’t have these kids’ grasp on the fact that they need to take some responsibility for their behavior.

But don’t let me make the movie seem too high-tone; it’s not. It wasn’t meant to be. It was meant to be just a funny teenage movie with a lot of cussing and plenty of laughs. And in that, it succeeded.

Movie trivia

  • Filming locations (all in California):
    • California State University, Northridge (parking lot scene)
    • Los Angeles
    • Culver City
    • El Segundo High School, El Segundo
    • Glendale (convenience store)
  • Explicit drawings of penises used in the film were drawn by David Goldberg, Evan Goldberg’s brother. Seth Rogen also used another family member in the movie: When the characters of Seth and Evan are running from the police through people’s backyards, Seth Rogen’s father Mark Rogen appears as the baseball-bat-wielding dad.

Watch trailers for the movie at the official Sony Pictures Superbad Web site

I hope you enjoyed this movie review. Be sure to take our movie trivia quiz about Superbad and other Seth Rogen films. (We’ve already given you one of the answers in this movie review!)

To be updated whenever there’s a new movie review or movie trivia quiz, please subscribe using the free subscription options in the sidebar.

Classic Movie Review: Now, Voyager

January 19, 2008

More Tricky Movie Trivia classic movie reviews: To Kill a Mockingbird I My Man Godfrey I The Enchanted Cottage

I can’t help but think of Now, Voyager as one of the original chick flicks. It has all the components that make Lifetime movies so popular: forbidden romance, an ugly duckling who turns into an elegant swan, an oppressive mother who is eventually put in her place and a backdrop of the high-class world of wealth.

But Now, Voyager is a world apart from the chick flicks of today. It set the bar high when it came out in 1942. Part of the reason for that was its star, Bette Davis. Never better, she fully embodied the character of the bespectacled, caterpillar-browed Charlotte Vale who appeared early in the film. Many beautiful actresses have allowed themselves to be made ugly for movie roles, but few have achieved the transformation as well as Bette Davis did in this movie.

But looks are only part of the story. Our ugly duckling is so oppressed, you can’t help but squirm a little as you watch her. This causes you to root for her right from the start. Her transformation is amazing to watch, because she changes more than just her external appearance — that’s the easy part. You actually watch her become a full person as the film moves on. As is often the case in real life, that doesn’t come easily. And when a man and his troubled child come along who are struggling, too, their effort to preserve the strip of territory that belongs just to them is believable and compelling. The realistic way this mutual effort survives against all obstacles is what keeps the movie from sinking into being maudlin. You don’t actually stand up and cheer at the end; the experience is more low-key and satisfying than that. Instead, you’re left with the quiet feeling that with determination, strength and love; anything is possible.

Movie trivia from Now, Voyager

  • Max Steiner and Now, Voyager won the 1943 Oscar for Best Music, Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture. Bette Davis was nominated for the Best Actress in a Leading Role Oscar, but lost to Greer Garson for Mrs. Miniver. Gladys Cooper was nominated as Best Actress in a Supporting Role but lost to Teresa Wright for Mrs. Miniver.
  • The movie title is based on these two lines from the Walt Whitman poem, “The Untold Want” from Songs of Parting: “The untold want, by life and land ne’er granted. Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.
  • Claude Rains turned down the role of Dr. Jaquith because he said it was too small. So, the part was increased to lure him and he was paid the princely sum of $5,000 a week for six weeks’ work.
  • When Voyager was released in October 1942, the critics’ movie reviews were mixed but the public loved it. In fact, it was the biggest box office hit of Bette Davis’s career.
  • The movie was based on the book by Olive Higgins Prouty, which was the third of four books about the wealthy Vale family. The screenplay stuck pretty close to the story in the novel, except that in the book Charlotte goes to the Mediterranean on her cruise, not to South America.
  • Director Hall B. Wallis made five other films besides Now, Voyager in 1942:
    • Casablanca
    • Air Force
    • Desperate Journey
    • Princess O’Rourke
    • Watch on the Rhine.

I hope you enjoyed this movie review! To be updated whenever there’s a new movie review or movie trivia quiz, please subscribe using the free subscription options in the sidebar.

Classic Movie Review: My Man Godfrey

January 18, 2008

More Tricky Movie Trivia classic movie reviews: To Kill a Mockingbird I The Enchanted Cottage I Now, Voyager

Leave it to Carol Lombard to make the Great Depression so funny. Set in 1936, My Man Godfrey contrasts the hard times most Americans were experiencing with the wealthy and privileged world of socialite dingbat Irene Bullock, played to perfection by Lombard.

Irene happens upon Godfrey, played by William Powell, in the city dump, when she and her too-rich friends are in the midst of finding a forgotten man as one of the items in a scavenger hunt. Seeing that her rude and hateful sister Cornelia, played by Gail Patrick, also wants to bring Godfrey back only makes Irene more determined to have him as her prize.

Once Irene spends a little time with Godfrey, she decides she wants him to be her protégé. There’s precedent for this, as her mother also has a protégé — the useless but hilarious musician Carlo, played by Mischa Auer. (His imitation of a gorilla alone is worth watching the movie for.) So she makes Godfrey the family’s butler, because the last butler in a long line had just quit the day before. It seems no one wants to live with the nutty Bullock family.

But Godfrey is unphased by the lunacy that surrounds him, even though Irene and Cornelia fight over him, the family matriarch sees pixies, the father is a gruff but ultimately reasonable man who often yells with a booming voice, and police officers have come to find out which one of the crazy family members stole a policeman’s horse and rode it up the front steps of the Bullock mansion.

The more sturdy Godfrey behaves, the more the women fall in love with him. Not only is Irene smitten but the maid falls hard for him too. Hilarity ensues as they — especially Irene — fall all over themselves to be with him. Little do they know that Godfrey is hiding a secret, one that will change everything when revealed.

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Movie trivia and goofs from My Man Godfrey

  • My Man Godfrey is the only film to ever win Oscar nominations for directing, writing and all four acting awards without also being nominated for Best Picture. It’s also the only film to get those six nominations and lose them all.
  • This was the first movie to receive four acting Oscar nominations. It did so in the year that supporting categories were introduced.
  • William Powell and Carol Lombard had been married and divorced before this movie was shot. Powell, however, insisted that Lombard play Irene, knowing she would be the best person for the part. He was right. I can’t imagine anyone else playing that role but her.
  • My Man Godfrey was voted one of “The 50 Greatest Comedies Of All Time” in 2006 by Premiere.
  • When Irene first goes into Godfrey’s room, the door opens in the direction of the kitchen, where we see Molly in the background. In the next shot, the door opens in the direction of the bedroom.
  • In one scene, Godfrey is placing roses in a vase while ignoring Irene. In one shot we see that there are already five stems in the vase. When the camera cuts away to the rest of the cast and Godfrey is seen again, there is only one rose in the vase.
  • While Irene is talking to Charlie Van Rumple at the tea party, you see Godfrey in the background serving Cornelia with a tray, and she takes one item in each hand. A few seconds later, we see Cornelia close up as Godfrey serves her and she takes the same two items again.

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My Man Godfrey is available on DVD in the original black and white form, as well as in a computer colorized version.

I hope you enjoyed this movie review! To be updated whenever there’s a new movie review or movie trivia quiz, please subscribe using the free subscription options in the sidebar.

Tricky Movie Trivia Quiz: Teenage Chick Flicks, Part 3

January 16, 2008

Can you guess the answers to this movie trivia quiz about teenage chick flicks?

Also, check out
part 1 and part 2 of the teenage chick flicks movie trivia quiz series.

1. You probably know that Lindsay Lohan starred in the 2005 movie featuring Herbie the Volkswagen, called Herbie Fully Loaded. But can you name the six other Herbie movies? (You don’t have to include the TV version made in 1997, which had the same name as the original 1968 theatrical release.)

2. The 1983 movie Valley Girl starred Francis Ford Coppola’s nephew. What is his name?

3. As part of the initiation to the Ya-Ya Sisterhood club in Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, Sandra Bullock’s character Siddalee Walker has the palm of her hand cut. In which other movie did a character played by Sandra Bullock cut the palm of her hand?

4. In Dirty Dancing, Jennifer Grey was older than her 17-year-old character Baby. How old was Jennifer when she filmed the movie?
a. 23
b. 25
c. 27
d. 29

5. Evening co-starred Meryl Streep’s daughter, who played the younger version of Streep’s character in the movie. What is Streep’s daughter’s name in real life?

6. Which other famous mother and daughter starred in Evening?

7. Which English actress was originally considered for Miranda, the role that Meryl
Streep played in The Devil Wears Prada?

8. Which teenaged actor turned down the role of Ducky in the 1989 release of Pretty in Pink? (Jon Cryer played the role instead.)

9. The line “Can I borrow your underpants for ten minutes?” was voted #86 of “The 100 Greatest Movie Lines” by Premiere in 2007. Which movie was it from?

10. A famous brother and sister had supporting roles in Sixteen Candles. What are their names?

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1. There are six Herbie movies, all of which were made before Herbie Fully Loaded star Lindsay Lohan was even born:

  • The Love Bug (1968)
  • Herbie Rides Again (1974)
  • Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo (1977)
  • Herbie Goes Bananas (1980)
  • Herbie the Matchmaker (1981)
  • Herbie, the Love Bug (1982)

2. Francis Ford Coppola’s nephew’s name is Nicholas Cage. He changed it from Nicholas Coppola in the 1980s. Valley Girl was the first movie credit he had that used the new name.

3. Sandra Bullock’s character Sally Owens cuts the palm of her hand in the movie Practical Magic.

4. Jennifer Grey was 27 when she filmed Dirty Dancing.

5. Meryl Streep’s daughter and Evening co-star’s name is Mamie Gummer.

6. Natasha Richardson plays the daughter of the character played by her real-life mother Vanessa Redgrave in Evening.

7. Helen Mirren was originally considered for the role Meryl Streep played in The Devil Wears Prada.

8. Anthony Michael Hall turned down the role of Ducky in Pretty in Pink. Jon Cryer played the part instead.

9. The line “Can I borrow your underpants for ten minutes?” came from Sixteen Candles and was said by Anthony Michael Hall’s character.

10. Brother and sister John and Joan Cusack were in Sixteen Candles. John Cusack played Bryce, one of Anthony Michael Hall’s geeky friends, and Joan was the girl in the neck brace on the bus and who had trouble sipping water from a drinking fountain.

How did you do on this movie trivia quiz about teenage chick flicks? If you didn’t get the answers to most of these questions, don’t worry; you’re not alone. A lot of them were hard!

If you enjoyed this quiz, why not subscribe via RSS or e-mail to get free updates? See the sidebar for easy subscription options.

Tricky Movie Trivia Quiz: Teenage Chick Flicks, Part 2

January 14, 2008

Can you guess the answers to this movie trivia quiz about teenage chick flicks?

Also, check out teenage chick flicks, part 1, and stay tuned for part 3 in a future post.

1. In A Walk to Remember, who was originally considered for the role of Jamie Sullivan, which was eventually played by Mandy Moore?

2. A Walk to Remember was filmed in 2002 in Wilmington, North Carolina, at the same time as which hit film starring Sandra Bullock?

3. In Freaky Friday, during the end scene when Anna is dancing with Jake, there’s a woman in the background who looks directly at the camera while she dances with an older gentleman. This woman is the mother of one of the stars of the movie. Whose mother is she?

4. In Freaky Friday, which famous actress was originally supposed to have the part of Tess Coleman, which ended up being played by Jamie Lee Curtis?

5. How many different hairstyles did Reese Witherspoon’s character Elle wear in Legally Blonde?

6. Which major learning institution did Elle attend in Legally Blonde?

7. On which Shakespeare play is the movie 10 Things I Hate About You based?

8. One of the characters in the movie The Notebook is the mother of the movie’s director, Nick Cassavetes. What’s her name?

9. In The Notebook, Ryan Gosling had to wear contact lenses so his eyes would match the color of the older version of him, played by JimGarner. What color contacts did he wear?

10. Which chick flick was the first movie production allowed to film in New York after the September 11, 2001 attacks?

Scroll down to see the answers.

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1. Jessica Simpson was originally considered for the role of Jamie Sullivan in A Walk to Remember.

2. A Walk to Remember was filmed in 2002 in Wilmington, North Carolina at the same time as
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

3. The dancing woman in Freaky Friday is Lindsay Lohan’s mother, Dina Lohan.

4. Annette Bening was originally slated to play Tess Coleman in Freaky Friday.

5. Reese Witherspoon’s character Elle wears 40 different hairstyles throughout Legally Blonde.

6. The character of Elle attended Harvard University.

7. 10 Things I Hate About You is based on The Taming Of The Shrew. The titles intentionally rhyme a little.

8. Gena Rowlands, who plays Allie when she’s older, is Notebook director Nick Cassavetes’ mother.

9. Ryan Gosling wore brown contacts so his eye color would match Jim Garner’s.

10. Sweet Home Alabama was the first movie to film in New York after 9/11.

How did you do on this teenage chick flicks movie trivia quiz? If you didn’t get the answers to most of the questions, don’t worry; you’re not alone. They were hard!

If you enjoyed this quiz, why not subscribe via RSS or e-mail to get free updates? (See the sidebar for easy subscription options.) And if you haven’t done so already, check out our teenage chick flicks, part 1 movie trivia quiz.

Tricky Movie Trivia Quiz: Teenage Chick Flicks, Part 1

January 12, 2008

Can you guess the answers to this movie trivia quiz about teenage chick flicks?

Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 in future posts. There are many more movie trivia questions about chick flicks to come!

1. In Mean Girls, which of the actresses who played a “plastic” was initially supposed to play Cady, the part played by Lindsay Lohan?

2. On which book was the movie Mean Girls based?

3. Which of the “plastics” actresses is actually 10 years older than Lindsay Lohan?

4. Drop Dead Gorgeous screenwriter Lona Williams was once a contestant in local beauty pageants and appears in the film. Which part does she play?

5. Which actress who was in a hit 2007 movie had her screen debut in Drop Dead Gorgeous?

6. In Saved, Pastor Skip enters the library to talk to Hilary Faye and the Christian Jewels about Mary. There’s a poster featuring which band visible over his shoulder? (Hint: The band’s lead singer was a co-producer on the movie.)

7. Mandy Moore was given the part of Hilary Faye in Saved, but which actress was originally supposed to play her?

8. What are the letters on the license plate of Hilary Faye’s car?

9. In Clueless, Alicia Silverstone (who played Cher) didn’t know how to pronounce a word in one of the classroom scenes. Director Amy Heckerling told everyone not to correct her so she could include the entertaining mispronunciation in the film. Which word was it?

10. On which classic story is Clueless loosely based?

Scroll down to see the answers.

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1. Amanda Seyfried, who plays Karen in the film, was initially supposed to play Cady, but producer Lorne Michaels thought she would be better as the dumb girl and that Lindsay Lohan would make a better “good girl.”

2. Mean Girls was based on Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends, and Other Realities of Adolescence by Rosalind Wiseman, even though it is a non-fiction self-help guide for parents that has no narrative. Tine Fey of Saturday Night Live wrote the script.

3. Although Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams play characters who are presumably in the same grade, there’s a 10-year age difference between the two actresses.

4. Lona Williams plays Jean, the pageant’s non-speaking judge, in Drop Dead Gorgeous.

5. Amy Adams, who starred in Enchanted, had her film debut in Drop Dead Gorgeous.

6. The poster visible over Pastor Skip’s shoulder is for R.E.M. Lead singer Michael Stipe co-produced the film.

7. The role of Hilary Faye was originally given to Anne Hathaway, but funding fell through and then Hathaway had to start shooting Ella Enchanted.

8. Hilary Faye’s license plate is “JC GIRL.”

9. Alicia Silverstone mispronounced “Haitians” as “Hate-eeuns.”

10. Clueless is loosely based on Jane Austen’s book Emma.

How did you do on this movie trivia quiz about teenage chick flicks? If you didn’t get the answers to most of the questions, don’t worry; you’re not alone. Some of them were hard!

If you enjoyed this quiz, why not subscribe via RSS or e-mail to get free updates? (See the sidebar for easy subscription options.) We’ll be doing two more teenage chick flicks quizzes, plus plenty of trivia questions on other movie topics!

Celebrity Gossip or Classic Movies?

January 10, 2008

Which type of movie trivia quiz do you find more entertaining, one about celebrity gossip or classic movies?

I don’t think it’s fair to say that people who are looking for movie information and movie trivia are divided into two camps: those who like celebrity gossip and those who like classic black and white movies. I’m sure there are fans of Gregory Peck movies who also like Lindsay Lohan pics. Yet, you have to admit, there is a bit of a generation gap when it comes to movie fans.

If you’re 20, you’re probably much more likely to watch one of the many Lindsay Lohan movies than one of the old romantic stories starring Dorothy McGuire. On the other hand, if you’re 50, watching My Man Godfrey, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Enchanted Cottage might be much more up your alley. If that’s the case, you probably wouldn’t even care about all the Tinseltown gossip about celebrities in rehab. Conversely, it probably would be hard for a Lindsay Lohan fan to have enough movie facts under his belt to take our movie trivia quiz about Gregory Peck.

If you’re firmly in either camp, it’s easy to think the other is wrong. But both categories have something to offer. For example, new movies, while not always up to the moral standards that many older people would prefer, have a lot of special effects that make for fun movie viewing and great movie trivia questions. On the other hand, while black and white movies sometimes lack production value, they often provide a heartwarming look at another era. Trivia questions about these classic movies are also sometimes easier to answer, because information about them has been around longer.

So, take your pick, the changing world of celebrity gossip or the ever-constant universe that exists in classic movies. Either way, I’m sure you’ll be entertained.

Movie Trivia Quiz: Gregory Peck Movies

January 9, 2008

Of all the stars of classic movies, Gregory Peck is among the classiest. See how many of these movie trivia quiz questions about his films you can get right. And make sure to see our movie review of one of his best films, To Kill a Mockingbird.

1. What was his first movie?

2. In which 1944 film was Gregory Peck nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor in a Leading Role but didn’t win?

3. There were two movies in which Peck played a sea captain that were released in the 1950s. Can you name them?

4. Which actress made her movie debut in Roman Holiday, starring opposite Gregory Peck?

5. Of all Peck’s film roles, which did he publicly say was his favorite?

6. which Gregory Peck movie thriller released in 1962 was also re-released in 1991 and featured Peck in a cameo role?

7. Which two movies did Peck produce in the 1970s?

8. Other than producing, Gregory Peck’s film career was on the wane in the 1970s. What film was considered his comeback picture as an actor?

9. Which former co-star’s housekeeper and dog did Peck take into his after the co-star’s death in 1990?

10. What was Gregory Peck’s final movie in which he was not the subject? (He starred in several projects that either focused on him or for which he was narrator.)

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1. Gregory Peck’s first movie was Days of Glory, which was set during the 1941 Nazi invasion of Russia and released in 1944 by RKO Radio Pictures.

2. He was nominated for the Best Actor category for The Keys of the Kingdom, in which he played a young priest sent to China to build a Catholic parish.

3. The two classic movies in which Gregory Peck played sea captains were Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951) and Moby Dick (1956).

4. Audrey Hepburn made her movie debut in the classic movie Roman Holiday.

5. Gregory Peck’s favorite movie role was To Kill a Mockingbird. He lit up Tinseltown with his performance in this movie, for which he won an Academy Award.

6. Cape Fear was the thriller that was released both in 1962 and 1991. In the second version, Nick Nolte played Sam Bowden, the character Gregory Peck played in the 1962 release. Gregory Peck played the attorney of villain Max Cady (Robert De Niro).

7. He produced The Trial of the Catonsville Nine (1972) and The Dove (1974).

8. His comeback picture in the 1970s was The Omen (1976).

9. Gregory Peck took in Ava Gardner’s housekeeper and dog after Ava died in 1990.

10. Gregory Peck’s final movie in which he was not the subject was a remake of Moby Dick.

How did you do on this movie trivia quiz about classic Gregory Peck movies? If you didn’t get the answers to most of the questions, don’t worry; you’re not alone. Some of them were hard!

If you enjoyed this quiz, why not subscribe via RSS or e-mail to get free updates? (See the sidebar for easy subscription options.) We’ll be doing many more movie trivia quizzes about classic movies, as well as modern films!